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What is SPLINK!?!

SPLINK is an exhilarating, maddening, fast paced family-friendly card game that leaves you counting the moments until you can come back for more. Your day-to-day worries and stress will melt away while you become totally obsessed with being the first one to shout SPLINK! Play with your kids, your friends, your co-workers... even your in-laws. SPLINK turns an ordinary night into an extraordinary adventure that is crazy good fun for one and all!
SPLINK is a fast paced card game, Made in the USA, for 2-8 players, ages 10 and up. The beauty of this game is its appeal to people of ALL ages and walks of life. From families with children, to college age, baby boomers and seniors-- everyone loves SPLINK!

Why SPLINK—“Power Off… Game On!”
Bringing SPLINK to the world is a true labor of love. We've been developing & playing SPLINK in our family for nearly 20 YEARS and every time we share it with a friend we get the same question...
Playing games with our kids (especially as teenagers) was the way we stayed connected. At a time when most parents find it difficult to communicate, SPLINK made it easy to spend time together doing something we all enjoyed. We played everywhere we went—for hours at a time—and it never got old. We were often a source of entertainment for other diners while they watched us “SPLINK OUT” over dinner at restaurant.
It may sound corny but, SPLINK brings people together!
We realized recently how disconnected people have become. Everywhere you go you see people staring down at their smart phone or electronic gadget-- in their own little world-- ignoring the people they're with. Spending time WITH people and actually being PRESENT has become a lost art. Which is why we've decided to launch the Family Game Company and bring SPLINK to the world. We're encouraging people to...
"Power Off... Game On!"
Our family is no stranger to games—we were involved in launching the POGS/milk cap game craze in the 90's around the State of Florida. Now, through the formation of the Family Game Company, we’re here to spread the fun to people of all ages.
Enjoying time with friends and family while actually being “present” is becoming a lost art. And Family Game Company is out to re-introduce the age old tradition of having fun through playing games through the release of SPLINK!
How To Play SPLINK!

CLICK HERE for detailed instructions on how to play SPLINK!
How many players does the game support?
2 to 6 players can play with each SPLINK deck.
What's the age range?
We’ve listed the game as being for players age 10 and up. But we DO have younger players (around age 8) that do just fine. In fact, it can really help the younger players with numbers. That’s the great thing about SPLINK—it’s truly a universal game.
How long does it take to learn and play?
Learning only takes a few minutes. When you play, each round lasts between 3 to 5 minutes and the game is designed to last virtually as long as you want—based on the number of points you set as the “winning score”. (ex: Short games to 100 points would last 5-6 rounds (15-20 mins). Games to 300-500 would last 20-30 rounds (60-90 mins).
It's an easy game to jump into and play. And because of the flexible structure—you can ALWAYS play within the time you have available.
What's included with the game?
A 252 card deck of SPLINK cards, a nifty SPLINK box, instructions, and special link for a video walkthrough and tips from “SPLINK MASTER B” himself.

What size are the cards?
Our high-quality playing cards are 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches and printed on 305gsm black-core card stock. (In other words—we use the best quality material available so your SPLINK cards hold up to countless hours of play and outright mania!)
Be sure to add your name & email in the form below to stay in the loop on all things SPLINK!
We would LOVE to have you join us in sharing the fun and spreading the word about SPLINK!
Become part of the SPLINK Squad.
You think playing SPLINK with friends and family is fast paced? That’s nothing compared to the frenzy of a SPLINK Tournament. Your team goes head-to-head with other teams in lightning fast play.
You can setup SPLINK Tournaments in your local area for fun or you can join in on the national competitive level and go after the title, SPLINK MASTER.
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